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THREE FOR SILVER - Support Act: Kendall Lujan

location_ondas WERK, Wien calendar_monthmar. 08/04/2025 schedule19:00

THREE FOR SILVER // Kendall Lujan
VVK: 21,-
AK: 24,-

Three For Silver has toured continuously since it's formation in 2013, first along the West Coast of America, and then in Europe after signing with ROLA Music in 2017. Undaunted by the pandemic, they have often done two tours a year to great acclaim in many countries. 

Three For Silver also partners with the US State Department to create Cultural Diplomacy tours to countries that would be otherwise challenging to access, in order to bring them truly original American music. 

Precio unitario Cantidad Precio total
calendar_monthmar. 08/04/2025

Precio unitario: 21,00 Euro Cantidad:
0,00 Euro
Coste total:0 Artículo0,00 Euro
Gastos de reserva anticipada:
incluyendo todos los gastos de procesamiento
Subtotal:Todos los precios incluyen el IVA.

THREE FOR SILVER // Kendall Lujan
VVK: 21,-
AK: 24,-

Three For Silver has toured continuously since it's formation in 2013, first along the West Coast of America, and then in Europe after signing with ROLA Music in 2017. Undaunted by the pandemic, they have often done two tours a year to great acclaim in many countries. 

Three For Silver also partners with the US State Department to create Cultural Diplomacy tours to countries that would be otherwise challenging to access, in order to bring them truly original American music. 

Wegbeschreibung THREE FOR SILVER - Support Act: Kendall Lujan

  • location_on

    das WERK

    Stadtbahnbögen 331
    1090 Wien

  • calendar_month
    mar. 08/04/2025
  • schedule
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  Las entradas del carrito no están reservadas
EntradaPrecioPrecio total
Entrada impresa:Entrada impresa + caja de regalo:
incluyendo la impresión y el envío
Gastos de reserva anticipada:
incluyendo todos los gastos de procesamiento
Total con IVA incluido:
Nota: ticket i/O GmbH no es el organizador de su cita para su prueba Covid. La organización de su cita corre a cargo del organizador, que también es el emisor de los resultados de sus pruebas Covid. Ticket i/O GmbH se limita a gestionar las citas en nombre del organizador del evento. El organizador del evento es WERK Clubkultur GmbH, Spittelauer Lände 12/ 331, 1090 Wien
Furthermore, ticket i/O GmbH arranges ticket insurance from AGS Pier GmbH.

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